งานการศึกษาระดับหลังปริญญา คณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
2. Must pass thesis proposal examination (for M.Sc. Student) or pass Qualifying Examination (for Ph.D. Student) and not be an RGJ-Ph.D. Scholarship Recipient
3. Must be 1st Author in Abstract
4. Must be accepted to present at the conference
Scholarship Details
Outbound Students
Inbound Students
Number of available scholarship
Qualifications for applicant
*Please notice that finalized scholarship consideration will be under the Siriraj Graduate Studies Committee.
Application Procedure
The applicant must submit an application attached with related documents to the program department. The department will submit it to the Deputy Dean of Post-Graduate Education for the consideration process of the Siriraj Graduate Studies committee.
Application period
This scholarship is intended to provide education to distant students, in particular those from Southeast or East Asia to pursue their studies at the M.Sc. in Medical Science and Training levels. Each scholarship covers credit registration fee and residentials for three years or upper -depends on duration of training.
Qualifications for Applicant
1. Applicant must be clinician from government hospital/university with GPAX ≥ 3.0 and have a contract with government
2. Applicant must have English proficiency test’s score as following:
3.Applicant from CLMV Group (Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar and Vietnam) will be 1st priority
Benefits Include
Credit registration fee , Uniform, Residential for 3 years
Application Procedure
1. Applicant must be accepted by department first
2. Applicant download Scholarship Application Form
3. Fill application form (Attached with required documents) and submit them to your program director to sign
4. Submit to Post-Graduate Education Division
Please visit International Relation Division’s Website for apply and find out more information.