งานการศึกษาระดับหลังปริญญา คณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล

Scholarship from Ton Duc Thang University in the Fall semester 2020

Ton Duc Thang University will enroll and grant 100 full-tuition graduate scholarships to international students around the world.

    • Application Deadline: 30th April 2020 (Fall semester)
    • Course Level: Master, PhD
    • Study Subject:
      • Master (100 scholarships): Accounting, Applied Mathematics, Automation and Control Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Communications Engineering, Business Administrations, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Computer Science, Economics Law, Environmental Engineering, Labor Protection, Finance and Banking, Applied Art, Sociology, Sports Management, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
      • PhD (50 scholarships): Business Administration, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Computational Science, Accounting, Electrical Engineering
    • Scholarship Award: Total Fee Tuition
      • Master program: $2000 – $2200 for the whole program in 2 years 
      • PhD program: $7000 for the whole program in 3~4 years
    • Scholarship can be taken on 15th July 2020 (Fall semester)

📑 For more information: https://grad.tdtu.edu.vn/en/news/2019/jun-2020-fall-semester-admission

📝 Online Application: http://gradadmissions.tdtu.edu.vn/

📩 Contact Email: gradstudies@tdtu.edu.vn