Principle and benefit of biomedical informatics, data search and reference management, principle of big data management and analysis, ethics in biomedical informatics, health and biomedical communication technology, Capstone in Communication and Informatics in Biomedicine
สามารถเทียบเคียงรายวิชา SIID527: Biomedical Communication and Informatics ของหลักสูตร ป.บัณฑิตชั้นสูง สาขาวิชาวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์คลินิก
The class has been closed with the SIID504 Communication and Informatics in Biomedicine (International Program) course for Semester 2, Academic Year 2020.
There were 6 students enrolled in the SIID504 course with the situation of COVID-19. The postgraduate department has been adapted from on-site to almost all online through the SelecX system, as this course provides students with real practice in creating multimedia media such as infographics, short video work. The postgraduate department has a measure of protection in allowing students to study on-site.
In this course, a multimedia project will be assigned prior to the closing of the class. Students are required to create their own educational video clips. Along with writing an abstract to send the teacher In which students can create works very well